Maple Leaf RF Systems & Service
LARCAN Support Services
Experience you can count on
Our Team has decades of RF and broadcast equipment experience— mostly with LARCAN. Your most experienced and knowledgeable source for LARCAN support is from Maple Leaf RF Systems and Service.
Niagra Falls, a natural wonder shared between the United States and Canada, is a fitting image to represent the sharing of support services between U.S. and Canadian engineers and technicians for users of Canadian-built LARCAN TV transmitters and translators
Our Services
We welcome the opportunity to provide you with any immediate assistance you might require or help you budget for needs in
the coming fiscal year.
Here are a few things you might consider:
Module Repairs
Exciter Upgrades
Power Supply and PA Upgrades
On Site Transmitter Technical Services
Remote Technical Support
Transmitter Optimization/Proof
Site Surveys to plan for repacking
Exciter, Power Supply, and power amplifier Upgrades
Parts and Repair Services
On-Site Technical Services